そのエモーショナルかつ色鮮やかな表現で、リラクゼーションドリンク「CHILL OUT」のキャンペーンビジュアルやスズキ「SOLIO」のテレビCMを始め、企業や大学の広告、パンフレットなど活躍の幅を広げている。
Born in Niigata, currently based in Kobe City. After working as a designer for an advertising agency and an in-house designer for a real estate company, IONA became a full-time independent illustrator in 2023. She specializes in illustrations of urban landscapes and cars using diverse gradations. Using her emotional and colorful expressions, she has worked for campaign visuals for beverage brands, Japanese TV commercials, corporate and university advertisements, pamphlets, and more.